Orders can be placed on our website. You need to provide valid shipping address and it is required to provide valid billing address.
You can add items to shopping cart. When you finished shopping, click on `"Shopping cart`" to start placing your order. Price, estimated tax and availability will be displayed. You may also edit your order at this time. When you happy the cart content and other charges click ‘Checkout”.
Automated email will be generated after placing the order. It contains all the charges, shipping and billing information you provided
Contact Kandy selection sales staff and get the support for cancelling or edit order.
The item is only reserved once your purchase is completed in the checkout. If an item is very popular, it might be available when you place it in your shopping bag, but sold out once you reach the checkout.
Currently, we are unable to reserve items over the phone or online. Best way is to visit the shop and visit the web site before buy. You can contact sales team and get more information.
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